DIviNE Reading Order

This post is here to ensure that the reading order of DIviNE is preserved.  I know this is not a very efficient way of going at it, but in the absence of a master post, which will be forthcoming, I thought this would do just fine.

At this point, I want to touch upon something.  The Triptych as a whole, is actually a triptych cubed.  It consists of 3 Movements (3x) which consist of 3 chapters (3×3) each.  Each chapter consists of 3 poems (3x3x3.)

These chapters are bridged via 2 “intermission” poems, bringing the number of poems per Movement to 11.  This, in turn, means that the total number of poems in the Triptych is 33.

DIviNE reading order:

  1. caNNIbalIzE
  2. tastElEss
  3. haNNIbalEsquE
  4. ouroboros. (what’s eating you?)
  5. starvED
  6. procEssED
  7. gmo
  8. taNtalus. (chew the scenery)
  9. oDyNophagIa
  10. vorE
  11. DElIcIous (just desserts)